The National Health Mission (NHM) encompasses its two Sub-Missions, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the newly launched National Urban Health Mission (NUHM). The main programmatic components included Health System Strengthening in rural and urban areas, Reproductive- Maternal- Neonatal-child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A), and Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases. The NHM envisages achievement of universal access to equitable affordable & quality health care services that accountable and responsive to people’s needs.
National Rural Health Mission provides for engagement of ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists) for every 1000 population to serve as a link between the community and the Rural Health System. Anganwadi Worker (AWW) under ICDS is organizing Supplementary Nutrition Programme and other supportive activities. The very nature of Anganwadi Workers (AWW) job responsibilities with emphasis on supplementary feeding and Pre-school education does not allow her to take up the responsibility of a change agent of health in a village.
The new band of community based functionaries is proposed to fill this bridge between community and other health related programme of Mother and Child Care. Govt. of India has approved engagement of ASHA in the Blocks of the state. Implementation of the programme is to be done in 20 Blocks of Purulia. NGO- KALYAN has been identified by the Department of Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal as a District Training Centre (DTC) of ASHA Training. The ASHA will be taken part in 8 Days for Orientation, 5 Days in 6th& 7th Module 15 days in Refresher Trainings ,5 Days in Non Communicable Disease (N.C.Ds) and any other training mandated by the State ASHA Cell, NHM, GoWB.
Training of Existing HHWs/Urban ASHAs Under NUHM
As per mandate of Govt. of India, all rural ASHAs undergo several rounds of training which capacitate her to provide select range of healthcare services in the community. The same Mandate applies to Urban ASHAs as well. The existing Honorary Health Workers (HHWs) and First Tier Supervisors (FTS) have received some training on immunization and how to administer injection but have never received formal training on Reproductive Child Health (RCH) or Non Communicable Diseases (NCD). It also transpired that training was not standardized across tiers.
After a series of discussion with several stakeholders which it has been unanimously decided that the HHWs,
FTSs, and new Urban ASHAs, to be eligible in performing incentivized activities under NHM, have to undergo the same trainings as RURAL ASHAs.
From the Financial Year 2017-2018 we have started the Trainings of existing Honorary Health Workers/Urban ASHAs in our DTC and we have completed the all Trainings assigned for this year.
Implementation :
In the district of Purulia, the ASHA Programme with the support and active participation of District Administration and the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Block Level Health Centers & Panchayat. KALYAN is responsible for imparting Training for Orientation/Induction, 6th& 7th module, Refresher, N.C.Ds ,HBYC E & PC and any other training mandated by the State ASHA Cell, NHM, the District Training Centre of ASHA.
Objective :
· ASHA will provide need based, timely and quality rural health service at the door step of the community.
· The ASHA will act as a link worker between Rural People and Rural Health Service. To guarantee better health service at village level.
· The ASHA will take stock of ante-natal, post-natal mothers, children and others regarding their health status through prescribed documents.
· The ASHA will keep account of need assessment and services provided to the ante-natal, post-natal mothers and children immunization.
· The ASHA will keep record of eligible couples, adoption of family planning methods, prevalent diseases in the village. The records maintained by the ASHA will help the ANM to ascertain the health status of the village.
· Attend the TOT for district level at State Training Centre.
· Undertake periodic field visits to the areas where ASHAs are working to identity gaps and take measures accordingly. The observations from these visits should be shared with the District Programme Coordinator (ASHA)
Role of District Training Centre (Kalyan) :
- Conduct Training of AHSAs
- Select members of the NGO Resource Group and engage them for training of ASHAs.
- Maintain effective linkage and liaison between the District Health & Family Welfare Samity. District Resource Group and the State ASHA Cell under NHM
- Attend the TOT at State Training Centre, CINI, Kolkata.
- Undertake periodic field visits to the areas where ASHAs are working to identity gaps and take measures accordingly. The observations from these visits should be shared with the District Programme Coordinator (ASHA) .
- Attend the regular review meeting on the progress of the training at State level.
Different Trainings of ASHAs conducted by District Training Centre KALYAN:
Sl No. | Name of Training | Duration of Training |
1 | Induction Training | 8 days |
2 | Round-I of 6th &7th Module | 5 Days |
3 | Round-II of 6th &7th Module | 5 Days |
4 | Round-III of 6th &7th Module | 5Days |
5 | Refresher Training | 15 Days |
6 | Round-IV of 6th &7th Module | 5 DAYs |
7 | NCDs Training | 5 DAYs |
8 | HBYC Training | 5 DAYs |
9 | Elderly &Palliative Care training | 6 DAYs |
Sl No. | Name of Training | No.of Batches Completed | No. of ASHA completed the Training |
1 | Induction | 17 | 354 |
2 | 1st Round | 19 | 392 |
3 | 2 nd Round | 5 | 126 |
4 | 3 rd Round | 3 | 62 |
5 | Refresher | 1 | 20 |
6 | 4 th Round | – | – |
7 | NCDs | 2 | 41 |
8 | HBYC | 37 | 485 |
9 | Elderly & Palliative Care | 17 | 352 |
TOTAL | 101 | 1832 |
Sl No. | Name of Training | No. of Batches conducted | No. of HHWs/ URBAN ASHA completed the training |
1 | Induction | – | – |
2 | 1 st Round | 1 | 1 |
3 | 2 nd Round | 1 | 1 |
4 | 3 rd Round | 1 | 2 |
5 | Refresher | – | – |
6 | 4 th Round | – | – |
7 | NCDs | 1 | 5 |
8 | HBYC | 1 | 1 |
TOTAL | 5 | 10 |
Plan for the next financial year 2023-2024:
- Conduct the trainings (Induction, 6TH& 7TH Module, Refresher, NCDs, HBYC ,E&PC & Urban ) as & when required.
- Conduct all other activity like, Field Visit to ASHA by District Trainer, Monthly Review Meeting at District Training Center, Supervisory / Monitoring visit to District Trainer by Assistant Training Coordinator, Training Coordinator & Chief Functionary etc.

-Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi